Music at Holy Trinity, Spring Lake

Music at Holy Trinity

The Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity enjoys a rich musical tradition. At each service our organist accompanies traditional hymns and plays varied service music on our 1904 Bates & Culley tracker organ.

Service Music

Service PartMusicPractice Track
Holy, holy, holy (Sanctus)S-114Coming soon...
Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)S-163

Hymn Schedule

Date Opening Hymn Sequence Hymn (Gospel, Sermon) Closing Hymn
6/15/2025 688 135 (1&2, 3&4) 525
6/22/2025 410 474 (1&2, 3&4) 657
6/29/2025 637 662 (1&2, 3&4) 625
7/06/2025 719 470 (1&2, 3) 717
7/13/2025 366 409 (1&2, 3) 618
7/20/2025 432 658 (1&2, 3&4) 555
7/27/2025 433 28 (1&2, 5) 375
8/03/2025 365 389 (1&2, 3) 518
8/10/2025 287 427 (1&2, 3) 397
8/17/2025 304 632 (1&2, 3) 388
8/24/2025 362 635 (1, 2) 680
8/31/2025 390 405 (1&2, 3&4) 657

Hover over hymn numbers for a tip in the form: Title [Category]

Organ Music

Check back for a growing collection of virtual organ music. Please enjoy these videos of:
